Westview GOLD's Instrumental Music Program strives to provide a highly enriching program for all our students.
Donations are essential to the success of this program!

We Rely on Generous Families and Friends
PUSD only provides our two Music Directors, a half-time assistant, a classroom, and a very limited budget for basic operations. The district does not pay for our professional music coaches, color guard coaches, competitive marching show and visual staff, concert music purchases and rentals, event registrations, instruments, equipment, and all the other expenses of such a successful program.
To meet our expenses (annually ~$200k), we rely on our generous families, friends, and community members to provide annual donations and sponsorships.
Annual Family Donations
Donations can be made in full or with a 10 month payment plan using the options on this page.
You may also pay by check to Westview GOLD Boosters
Competitive Band - $625
Colorguard - $625
Orchestra - $375
Full or Half Donations
Coming Soon
Westview GOLD Instrumental Music Program is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization and donations may be tax deductible (please consult your tax professional).
10 Month Payment Plan
Coming Soon

Companies that Match Donations
Check if your employer has a company match program to help maximize your donation. The following companies have provided matching donations in the past:
Wells Fargo
Hewlett Packard
US Bank
LPL Financial
For any donation or matching questions please contact
Open Donation
Want to Donate beyond the Annual Family Donation?
Coming Soon
Gold Camp Payment
Don't forget to register for GOLD Camp in July/August. Camp payments can be made on the GOLD Camp page.